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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Camera Broadcast

Camcorder is an electronic recording device that has the ability portable live-motion video and then to play in Cassete Video Recorder (VCR), TV, and computer multimedia.
Camcorder consists of "camera" and "recorder" that its original form in the early 1980s. Carcorder also called Video Recorder. Usually consumers using camcorders to make family films, special events, or vacations. A good camcorder, DCR-Miasalnya from Sony's VX2000E able to create a company profile, or even television advertising. Another good camcorder is a Sony DSR-PD 150 DV Cam, which provides high quality digital format DV Cam, capable of recording for 45 minutes in a mini DVCAM tape or a full hour in the DV mode. This camcorder fit for Event Video Graphy and Video Jurnalist.


a)The Camera Professionals
b)Camera MD 1000
c)PD 170 Camera (Professional Login)
d)Camera DSR 250
e)Camera ADV Set 1
f)Notebook Camera

a)The Camera Professionals
How to be self-regulated use in menyetting video capture and the results were used to mini baik.Biasa TV, Cam PD, Infotaiment, Video Clip, and Sinetron.

b)Camera MD 1000
It features these cameras are breaking the color bias primer.Kamera MD 1000 used for documentation or reporting.

c)PD 170 Camera (Professional Login)
PD 170 cameras, including Camera Profesinal already, so its use and function of some other sama.Antara bias to a mini TV, Cam PD, Infotaiment, Video Clip and Sinetron.

d)Camera DSR 250
Camera is used for news presenter distudio. DSR 250 camera also has the advantages of support DV Cam larger.

e)Camera ADV Set 1
ADV Camera Set 1 is normally used for filmmaking - feature films as well lebar.Bisa for TV and mini DV Cam.

F)Notebook Camera
Notebook Camera is biased achieve quality in 8 hours was also pengambilannya.Selain generated images are better, because in moving the file to a computer as we move into the hard disk as biasa.Tidak need dicapture on DV Cam or the other or too biased to say the drop frame (Penurunen Quality).

Instalasi Linux

1). The goal is to understand the workings of operating systems install Ubuntu 8.10 with VMware.
VMware is an application that can emulasikan or to virtualkan operating system on the main operating system. Suppose you have installed windows os and want to learn linux without interfering with your windows you can use this VMware.
VMware itself consists of several types according to the goals and capabilities as well as business. Vmware types include:
1.Datacenter Products consist of:
-VMware Infrastructure 3
-VMware VirtualCenter
-VMware ESXi
-VMware Server
-VMware Site Recovery Manager
-VMware Lab Manager
-VMware Capacity Planner
-VMware Lifecycle Manager
-VMware Stage Manager
-B-hive Conductor
2.Desktop Products
-VMware Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
-VMware Workstation
-VMware Fusion (for the Mac)
-VMware ThinApp
-VMware ACE
3.Other Products
-VMware VMmark
-VMware Player
-VMware Converter
-VMware Studio
One of the benefits of VMware is able to save the number of PC servers as a single PC can be used for many OS that serves as the various servers, eg you'd have a webserver in 10 different pc it could be 10 servers in 1 PC only. Another advantage is the saving of electricity, from the example above the required power in the PC 1 PC times it was not 10 anymore.
Ubuntu is a free operating system and open source are using Debian as a foundation and released regularly (every six months), the main focus of the Ubuntu operating system is the user and ease of use (according to "Just Work" TM) and on each Ubuntu release will provide security fixes for 18 months. Ubuntu includes the Gnome desktop environment / KDE / XFCE latest in each release and also includes a wide selection of software for servers and desktops are all packed into one CD.

2) Equipment and Material Experiment:
-One unit of PC
-Ubuntu ISO-File
-Experiment Procedure:
-Run Vmware

Select File> Menu> New Virtual Machine
Select Source Instalation, select browse, then browse an ISO file of Ubuntu 8.10
The first step boot ubuntu installer on your PC. select start or install ubuntu.
Installation process went. First select the language you want to use (default bahasa)

then select the time zone (Indonesia, Jakarta)
Select the keyboard layout used (default bahasa)
Partitioning your hard drive. There are 2 choices; Guided - Use entire disk is to use the entire hard disk, all existing data akandihapus, or use the manual, use a particular hard disk partition you want.
Furthermore enough to make a new partition, ie / (about 5GB), / home (in moderation, for document files you) and the swap partition (500MB enough kok)
To select a partition setting manually, will appear a list of hard disks condition, if the disk is empty, then do not look any list. If the hard drive before there is another partition, the partition will be displayed. To start set the partition, click the New Partition Table By clicking the New button Partition table, a warning window will pop up about the settings in the hard disk partitions. Just ignore this option and select continue.
Partitions will be displayed next to the still vacant along with its size. Click New Partition to start making a new partition.
Create an initial partition, about 5GB which would later digunakanan for the basic system and determine the 'Mount Point' in '/' (bc: slash). The main on the type pembuatanpartisi partition (which here was determined ext3), partition size, and its mount points.

Next create a swap partition. This swap is used as virtual memory. So if the main memory is like a full or does not fit, will be in place luapannya memory divirtual / swap. Swap to lately does not have special measures provisions. Estimated to have lived between pengugnaan with the available RAM. In general, the swap can be given for 500MB, if the estimated banyakmenggunakan aplikasi2 will be a big, can be made 1GB or even more. Then on the partition type, select the swap and not have to mention 'point' his mount.
Then make the remaining partition and give 'point' his mount is / home. This partition will store the majority of the data created by users.
Type your user name (the original should be pseudonym), then enter the name you use to yangingin login, and enter the password. then click forward.
The next display settings information window installation. Then click
install to begin the installation process
After the installation process is complete we need to reboot the system to be used. click restart now.
Your Ubuntu system has started. Login to your desktop using the username and password that have been made previously

3), I conclude
• By installing the OS using VMware, the computer can be installed using more than one OS.
• Install linuk 8:10 proved difficult - difficult easy kalu we already know the steps - steps will be easier in the installation.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Starting a Business From a Simple Idea

Many argue that to open a business takes a very creative ideas and innovative. That is not true of Michael Dell, he opened a business with a simple idea that is not selling computers to selling brokers but directly to consumers. He cut off the middlemen, thus the price of a PC can be suppressed. Michael Dell started the business with a capital of $ 1000, and doing marketing through the "Mail Order" within 16 years of sales increased from 6 million to $ 36.9 billion dollars. Dell Computer to open branch offices abroad in London in 1987. Now has opened offices around the world with employees reached 40,000 people.

However Dell Computer does not travel smoothly. In 1993, Compaq which at the time as leader of the PC sales market, put through a price cut to compete with Dell. The result of Dell Computer loses 65 million dollars in the first six months, which caused nearly bankrupt. Finally, Dell made a very fundamental change in the so-called binisnya process reengineering in the business with the introduction of E-Commerce. Dell began to rely on speed. In 1999, order a PC from Dell today, tomorrow has been submitted. Whereas for the complex system delivered at most 5 days.

Other innovations are assembling a computer after order. Dell's mass customization approach that is produced in large numbers, thus reducing the production cost per unit. Dell put parts store run by supliernya, which is located 15 minutes from the factory and transportation arranged by e-mail and made quickly. Dell provides a rapid servant by performing communication via e-mail and Web sites. PCs from Dell in the same test with the network testing and cooperation with other suppliers that can reduce the test period of 60 - 90 days to just 15 days. Dell monitor employee productivity and return on investment (ROI) on an ongoing basis.

Dell has introduced the E-Commerce in the business. Most customers do transaction through e-Commercenya. Customers can also access detailed diagram of the computer and get information about troubleshooting. By using the pricing and product configuration online, it can eliminate the work, so as Dell can save 15% administrative fee. For the biggest buyers, such as Easman Chemical, Monsanto and Wells Fargo, Dell made the perbisnisan Web page that can access Dell's E-Commerce, which allows employees to order quickly and easily. By using this strategy Dell can sell at a price below its competitors .. In 1999, Dell can sell 1.7 million dollars per day on the website E-Commercnya. Dell shares rose 2000 percent in two years. Dell can compete with world-class perbisnisan such as IBM, Compaq, HP, and Bell-Nec. Even the market share and profits continue to rise and eventually became the largest PC seller in the world.

In 2001, Dell Computer is an amazing world perbisnisan ranked 23 and an amazing world perbisnisan ranked 4th in 2003. Dell get real benefits from the use of E-Commerce. Dell's success story is a success story that is hard to believe, but real and came from a simple idea.

Technique Creates Ideas : Minimasi

Bagaimanakan idea how to create it?. How to implement these ideas can be realized in the business?. Even if necessary, how it can bounce ideas business?. To create an original idea is not easy, it can be used several techniques ". One such technique is the technique minimasi.

Minimasi techniques other than diminution in the reduction can also be physical in terms of time. Honda success using the techniques in terms of physical minimasi, when entering the U.S. market. At that time in the United States have a motorcycle is a big motorcycle 250 cc and 350 cc. Honda originally tried to make a big motorcycle, but a failure. Finally Honda use minimization techniques to create a 50 cc bike called the Super Cup, which started the success of Honda. In only a 5-year term, one of two motorcycles in Los Angeles, Honda brand. Sony Chairman Akio Morita is also using the minimization technique. When he saw the young kids listening to music with a large carrying a tape recorder on his shoulders carried everywhere, why do not can be replaced with a small tape recorder that can be inserted into the pocket. The idea is realized by Morita with the Walkman was created, which is the beginning of the success of the Sony company. Minimization of this idea appears also from Sony, Handycam, which is minimization of a large video camera. Floppy disk is a data storage minimization of great physical shape, either in the form of magnetic tape or magnetic disk. Even in times of crisis minimasi technique is very beneficial. Packaging 1 kg weight can be minimized for example by 200 grams or 100 grams, thus the price will be cheaper. In times of crisis, just the price factor in determining consumers decide to buy a product.

Minimization techniques can also be done on time. Dell Computer is used to the time required for testing a network requires 60 to 90 days can be shortened to 15 days. Order PC only takes one day and a complex system takes only five days. Minimization is combined with E-Commerce Dell can bounce back and become the number one PC vendor in the world in 1999. While Citibank using error minimization techniques in the process of serving the customer. To improve the quality of service Citibank sigma system. The greater the sigma, the smaller the error, and vice versa. However Citibank also admitted, without human resources would not have satisfied the customer satisfaction.

Segmentation Practices In Internet

In addition to community-based, market segmentation can also Pesonify market segmentation according to the Web can be categorized based on their behavior as Comfort creatures, Connected suites, Country Clubbers, Credit Checkers, Details divers, Electron, Explorer, Gear heads, geeks, Gift Boxer, Knowledge wokers, Novices , Surgical shoppers and Looks-Loos

Comfort-oriented creatures feelings. They want to know if certain colors are offered, or design offers an ergonomic chair with a particular skin type. Connected suites used in the Net environment, and find a lot of data in a short time, several times a day, and always use a sophisticated search features, tends to be a good customer. Country Clubbers: the buyer on the status-oriented, they were driving BMW and branded bags and find discount to branded goods. Credit Checkers is a young buyers who have feared the credit balance and tend to come from the site where the young child, and tend to spend their credit cards. Details divers are visitors who want to know how something works. They looky-looks like but also can serve to suggest a purchase, although not providing a final decision. They tend to come during working hours, and from search engines technically oriented.

Another segmentation Electron. These visitors tend to move rapidly to all parts of the site without a clear path, and has a broad interest. Maybe they belong to a multi-tasking or without a focused mind. They buy the product but not the same product consistently. Explorer is a visitor who does not leave a site before visiting all parts. Love the merchandise and promotions, product reviews, recommendations. Please note, maybe they belong to pensioners, children, or employees who have too much time. Gear heads is the visitors who tend to be not very interested in the technology of a product but rather to gizmo (device) is another new trendy, or a rare product. This type is a potential customer can be offered if appropriately.

Geeks are those who frequently use the Web and are always more than his colleagues. They should be given a special offer, or they will turn to a direct source offline. Gift Boxers are those who shop online for others, for example for a gift. Their shopping behavior is not consistent, with their shopping history. Knowledge wokers are sites that collect user information for use in their work. Novices are those who are less knowledgeable, but very enthusiastic. These users, often the very good customer. They will love the site, because they can ask the stupid questions without fear of embarrassment. Surgical shoppers are those who know exactly what they want. And want the buying process is done by small steps might be. Give what they want and they will come again. Looks-Loos whereas those who are only interested in the attractive banner, and clicking, but they did not last long. Happy hunting customers on the Internet.

Starting a Business From The Event

Variety of ways to start a business. One way to start a business is through an event, as did Ruth Handler, inventor of the Barbie doll. This doll is a toy that children of the world's most successful. Barbie taken from the name of the daughter of Ruth Handler, which is Barbara Millicent Roberts. This doll business started when Mrs. Handler watched her daughter play with paper dolls. Ny-Handler then thought to make the doll a more permanent and realistic. Ny. Handler is the wife of one of the founders of Mattel. In modern management, the Barbie doll that can be long betahan is a strange thing. According to Ian Ritchie from the Oxford Group consultant who has worked with perbisnisan toys Hasbro, find the key lessons from the business of children's toys. Placing a child's toy to the market as quickly as possible is very important. Time required from an idea to plastered on the shelves of toy stores, children can be a difference between success and failure. In the marketing world doll timing must be absolutely right. To achieve success should follow the trend doll movies, books, stories, or the latest television series.

Barbie is a universal product and usually standardized. There are also a number of diverse costumes. More than 100 new costumes added each year. This dikeranakan, Barbie is a woman Renaisansi, successful career woman, a member of rock band and football world cup for women.

The next success was when he decided a male friend of Barbie, is Ken. Ken creation is actually an accident, but it produces the expansion of exceptional brands. Ken was introduced in 1961, who hid behind, possibly he was glad to see Barbie success in various aspects of life. Introduction Ken has laid the foundation for the entire set of extensions which maintain the Barbie brand remains the center of attention.

The next friend is Midge Barbie raised in 1963, then peremp uan sister Barbie, the skipper in 1964, followed in 1968, Christie's, a black friend. In 1988, Barbie had a confidant, a friend of Teresa and Hispanic. The next friend is Kira, a friend of Asia which was launched in 1992. Barbie baby sister Kelly and the smallest is Becky, who was in a wheelchair who was introduced in 1997. Now Barbie has an 15,000 combined with changing his clothes, his eyes, the color, but not to replace the leg.
Likewise, Elton John, created the song "Candle In The Wind II" in the event of the death of Lady Diana. The song was successful, because in one month sold 32 million copies. Even in 1997, keeping VCD containing Candle In The Wid II, as The Best Product of the year 1997.

Managing The Dream and Imagination

Dreams are the images of events or anything that appeared in his sleep. Dream is to see something in the bed or fantasize something unattainable. But now can we define the dream is still fantasize what might be achieved although there is no picture or how to achieve it is very difficult to achieve. While imagination is the imagination or delusion or fantasy. Basically, dreams and imagination are imaginary.

According to Gary Hammel and CKPrahalad, dreams and imagination is the source of energy menggerakkkan an organizational strength. In the management literature of dreams and imagination called vision. Motorola dream to create a world without wires, teleppon not in place and dicantolkan all men will pocketed a portable phone. Bill Gates dream of "A computer on every desk in every home, running Microsoft device". Bill Gates created the operating system MS-DOS, it makes Windows that causes Bill Gates became the world's richest entrepreneurs.

Jeff Bezos is the founder of, which is the best store on the Internet in 2002 version of Yahoo magazine. Why is he named his company with Amazon?. Because "the Amazon River is the largest river in the world" said Jeff Bezos. What about the river Nile?. River Nile is the longest river in the world. Amazon river contains water 20% of the world, the dream of Jeff Bezos about his company would become the company that controls 20% of the world market. to open the E-Commernya site in July 1995, to sell 15.7 million dollars in 1996 and jumped to 600 million dollars in 1998. reported on November 1 until December 23, 2002, consumers who do order in the world 56 million items.

When I was with my friends founded AMIKOM Yogyakarta, I dreamed of 10 years will be the best Universities in Indomesia Computer. Perhaps those who saw the building as a house, because it's home, then people will metertawakan sarcastically. But now with the 4219 student and Diploma III Information Management majors accredited "A", the first in Indonesia by building grand enough, and air-conditioned, the former will change snickered cynically laugh no longer, and some even laugh because kagum.Memanglah dreams and imagination of an entrepreneur is sometimes ridiculed by other people, because of weirdness. But really dreams and imagination is a prayer. The best way to manage your dreams and imagination is to create a dream and the imagination itself.

Strategy Pursuit Dream

In previous writings, to manage the dream you can do by creating a dream and trying to catch up. While at this writing, how the strategy is to pursue the dream?. The concept of strategy to pursue Hammel and Prahalad strategy to pursue the dream (vision) called the Strategic Intent.

Formulation of a strategy to pursue the dream (vision) developed gradually and is consistent. This strategy should have a vision that will achieve a minimum of ten years to come. Dominate the market for Sony, Wal-Mart, Chrysler, Microsoft, General Electric, Cola-Cola and other admirable companies using strategic intent.

Chairman Sony, Akito Morita noted that young people like to listen to music wherever they go. Morita draw conclusions from the facts without the need for research, but thinking far ahead without a known community, which created the Walkman. Brilliant market design is not a coincidence. Morita and Sony's success is finding the markets future, not the current market, that is by describing what he called "pioneering spirit". Morita said, "Sony is a pioneer and was never intended to follow the others. Through progress, Sony wants to serve the whole world. Sony will always be the inventor of the unknown ". While Wal-Mart to pursue a dream with his discount, Chrysler in the minivan, Microsoft with Windows.

Intent strategy formulated in stages and more challenging if there are challengers. Salt, challenging Suzuki honda, Marriot Hotel menohok Hilton and so forth. In pursuing the strategy of this dream, the future is not only conceivable, but it must be built. So the architect who created the necessary things that have not been created. Combination of leaders and implementers. In the implementation of strategies based on this dream requires the Strategic Architecture, which is a combination of the future of knowledge (information architecture), behavior, values and structures (social architecture) and financial architecture. Strategic Architecture as the blueprint for the spread of the high level of new functionality, the acquisition of new competencies, or the migration of existing competencies and reconstruct an intermediary with the customer.

In a strategic intent, the dream must have an obsession to succeed and should be achieved gradually. In implementing this strategy requires pursuing the dream of strategic architecture, which is a combination of the future of knowledge (information architecture), behavior, values and structures (social architecture) and financial architecture.

Strategic Management

The emergence of Strategic Intent, which is a strategy based on a dream or vision, which makes the Management Strategy pride in the business school became obsolete. Strategic Intent have foresight, but only oriented Strategic Management today.

In Strategy Management or Strategic Planning or Corporate or Plannning, how to deal with your opponent is always to underestimate what a company owned by now. At business schools Strategic Management is the culmination of knowledge that combines all the knowledge management. Starting with a set mission, SWOT analysis, which contains internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats, set goals, develop strategies, design programs, implement and evaluate programs. Although a mission, but more oriented to the problems seen this emotion than the opportunities and threats in the future. Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of internal and external opportunities and threats using the current time. Likewise, in setting goals, developing strategies, designing programs, implementing and evaluating programs. If the orientation of the current time, the company will not be able to succeed with a jump, but only slowly creeping. Matshusita not be able to run after Sony.

While the mission of Strategic Intent setting, SWOT analysis, which contains the internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats, set goals, develop strategies, design programs, implement and evaluate programs oriented to time be dating.

In the Strategic intent, dreams and imagination must have an obsession to succeed and should be achieved gradually. Canon Xerox to win the market with an obsession, gradual and controlled. Initially Canon Xerox took a license to enter the market, then develop their own research and development, and find their own technology and eventually enter the Japanese and European markets that Xerox is not so dominant.

To set the target at a particular competitor is sometimes difficult, it can set the target a little more common competitors, as done by the NEC in the early 1970s, with the target computer and telecommunications industries. To make this dream a strategy based on emotions that do not use blindly. Start with the most likely done. For example this year in improving customer service, next year to improve the quality of products, the year after entry into the global market and so on.

Starting Business Of Education

Many who complain, that to open a business has no chance. This is a classic complaint that we can not hear anymore. In fact to start a business we can do a variety of ways, one with the education we have.

Jerry Yang and David Filo, Yahoo founders started the business by using his education. They are students at Stanford University. Yahoo starts from the back of this parking lot is now growing rapidly. Jerry Yang and David Filo started the business from small and simple things. Jerry Yang Yahoo illustrates that the discovery is "an accident" when he and Filo finish his thesis. Yang and Filo started Yahoo as they are sitting on the bench college, before they finish college. They started doing business with a website listing some of their favorite and write some software that allows a website to get other web sites that will be placed on the so-called web portals. At the time established in 1994, called Terry's Guide To The World Wide Web. When they learned that their sites are visited by people from 90 countries, spontaneously say "Yahoo" and ultimately that's the word used to name their company. In 1999, Yahoo reached star status. Net income quadrupled in the fourth quarter of 57.6 million dollars, while revenues jumped from 91 million to $ 201 million dollars. Now Yahoo is the best portal in 2002.

Kiichiro Toyoda is the son of the founder of Toyoda Spinning & Weaving Co., which moves in the field of automatic loom. After completing his engineering studies, he decided to start a business by transforming the company into the production car and change the company name from Toyoda to Toyota in 1936. Kiichiro Toyoda became President of the Toyota company until 1950. The first car produced was then Model AA Model Crown. Offices in foreign countries first established in Taiwan and then Saudi Arabia. The program the company began producing forklift trucks (tub / trailer), which makes the company the number one in the world in this market. These trucks entering the U.S. market in 1958 and the British market in 1965. Model Crown but failed to enter the U.S., because the car is designed for the Japanese market, are not designed for walking in the American highway. Finally Toyota Corolla in 1968 and achieve success so that it can shift the Volkswagen as the number one imported car in America. Even through the heart of the city took the Americans with General Motors to make Toyota cars in America. Camry is the most successful car sales in the United States in 1997. Toyota is now extended to other areas of business, namely financial services, telecommunications, housing, machinery navy, recreational boats, parts distribution and aviation services. Toyota is now number three car maker in the world after General Motors and Ford. Yoyota has sold 5 million vehicles per year.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Changes in business conditions, development of information technology, demographic shifts with employees early retirement and the scarcity of human resources has the potential to produce something called a fierce storm for the company. Survey conducted by Douglan A. Ready and Jay A. Conger of human resource executives from 40 companies around the world in 2005, the Harvard Business Review published in June 2007, indicates that the company was the lack of talented employees to fill strategic management roles. These problems occur when companies treat talent or potential candidates in the company (97% of respondents said that they had formal procedures to identify and develop the next generation of leaders), the practice is not consistent with what the company needed to grow and expand into new markets .
For example, to save costs, some companies cut country manager position in a relatively small country. In this role, a role in a comprehensive manner that has a high potential for dealing with a wide range, although the cost savings, but lost the opportunity to develop potential employees. If the practice is more prominent companies to support technical system and performed continuously, so no deep commitment from senior executives, talent management potential employees will fail. Some managers believe that they can find talented employees by paying higher or buying the best executives.

Some companies do the opposite, face the future with confidence, because they not only manage a talented manager, but also build a "talent factory". In other words, they have been running fun functionality, the process according to the talent and culture of the target company's strategy and cultivate a vitality that is management's commitment reflected in everyday actions.
To develop local talent manager of global standards, HSBC centrally designed policies and practices of human resources with the flexibility to accommodate local culture. Company wide process of recruitment, performance appraisal, career management and leadership development, but the local office can adapt skills and cultural resources of local needs.

To keep the way of thinking globally, HSBC has created sebauah system that brings talent pool and manage high-potential career headed in the company. Once employees are identified, they raised the talent pool of regional or business unit managed by the leader or the resources of local business units. Employees are then selected for a new appointment in the area or line of business and eventually given a position that can cross boundaries and regional business units.


At this time the world's Internet users has reached 1.2 billion and in Indonesia has reached 25 million. The Internet is a dream market for some circles. Entering the new economy or digital economy, which makes the company a market riddled revolutionary. Various kinds of strategies on the Internet in conducting revolution include market creation strategies (creator market strategy), strategic reconfiguration of the channel (channel reconfiguration), strategic transaction broker (intermediary transaction strategy), strategies of information intermediaries (infomediary strategy), strategy of self-service innovators ( self-service innovator strategy), innovator of supply chain strategy (supply chain innovator strategy) and strategic control of the channel (channel mastery strategy)
Creator Market Strategies is a strategy of using the Internet to define a new market by identifying a unique consumer needs. This strategy requires you to enter the market first and keep ahead of competition by innovating continuously. To create a new market, kadangkalan willing to lose in advance in order to achieve a strong market position and profitability in the long run. is a company that uses market strategy creator mengidentifikase way as the database and delivery of this competence and web design speed browsing and order products and combining efficiency, reduced prices and personal service. which was formerly only a small bookstore founded by Jeff Bezos with 7 employees in 1994 which is a company based in Seattle and entered the Internet market in July 1995. Currently, Inc.. Nasdaq-listed with: AMZN and is one of the Fortune 500 companies as well as Earth's Biggest Selection., Inc.. trying to become the company the biggest customer-centered world, customers can find and discover anything you want to buy online and strive to give customers the possibility of the cheapest prices. is now selling a variety of products, giving millions of unique new products consisting of several categories, such as health and personal care, jewelry and watches, food, sports, books, music, DVDs, toys, electronics and office, toys and children and houses and plantations.
Amazon operates several web sites to reach new markets, including,,,,, , and the Joyo Amazon websites at and In 2007, net sales estimated at $ 14,263 billion with growth increasing 33% compared with 2006. Operating income is estimated to reach $ 675 million with growth reaching 74% compared with 2006.


The fourth step in selling products on the internet is to understand the price of the products we sell and the number of products sold within a certain time. The relationship between the two are usually referred to as product velocity. The more products we sell, the greater the velocity of his product. We can make a curve relationship between price and amount sold each week. Usually the greater the desire to sell in large quantities, then we should set a lower price, otherwise the higher price that we set the less the amount of products we can sell.

Average Sales Price can also be narrowed by stating in an item contained in the so-called Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) which is a term often used by off-line retailers to demonstrate a unique item in the inventory. For example, Seller A has three red shirts with the XL size is two, and blue with one L size pieces, then SKUnya only two, namely SKU1 is a red shirt (number 2) and SKU2 is a blue shirt (number 1) . Key concepts to be understood without having to work on campaigns or do something special demand in the market or putting the regular SKU, the demand will not change in a period of 30 days to 60 days. Another variable that works is the supply, then we must also control the supply, though supply is also controlled by our competitors. This information is a weapon we can use to make important decisions based on our goal.

For example, Seller A sells 10 units of the SKU of each month at a price of $ 150. A seller has a target to increase its profits each month. SKU cost on a volume of 40 units cost $ 100, but if it can increase sales of more than 100 units per month, the cost of SKUs down to $ 85. So this information can be made a variety of scenarios. The first scenario focuses on high margin, we are selling at a price of $ 150 sold 40 units at a cost of $ 100, then its gross margin ($ 150 - $ 100) x 40 = $ 2000. The second scenario focuses on the current margin, we are selling at a price of $ 120 sold 80 units at a cost of $ 100, then its gross margin ($ 120 - $ 100) x 80 = $ 1600. The third scenario focuses on low margins, we are selling at a price of $ 100 sold 160 units at a cost of $ 85, then its gross margin ($ 100 - $ 85) x 160 = $ 2400. By understanding the speed of product / price and a test allows us to get the approximate number of SKUs that we can sell and we expect vulume. By estimating the price and volume of our products will help make the preparation of resources and products are able to predict the margin we earn each month. If the product is not made by us, then we can negotiate the price with the source of our products at a price based on sales volume.


The fact that we display a list of items that many of the Internet at one time unit or you are selling a large amount of an item. This makes the buyer has a high bargaining power and One of the challenges in a large volume of sales (more than 100 items) on the Internet is able to cause prices to fall. Purchaser understands intuitively the law of demand and supply. The greater the supply we give, the more do not buy us. They will wait until the price falls, so be interesting for them to buy. Biggest mistake of the seller is to display an information should be confidential information, which is bidding. To realize such sale takes clever strategy called the Perception of scarcity Strategy or the perception of scarcity strategy.
The Perception of scarcity strategy is suitable for sales by using the concept of auctions on the Internet. Companies that use is stratregi More than 1 million people selling on, and more than 105 million to buy the product on , strategy consists of two types. First, take some items only, such as 2 or 4 items, items put on auction and Buy It Now (BIN) at the price of 0 to 10% above average price. Buy It Now (BIN) is a fixed price list which the buyer can stop the auction immediately without waiting for bidding or auction ends. After the item is sold, replaced by the next item using Buy It Now (BIN) to 100 items were sold all at competitive prices. Second, take a portion of inventory, for example 5% to 10% at the auction was stopped and by using the initial prices are very low by spending all the items without a reserve. This will create an auction of items sold to be extraordinary. In this auction we are also able to connect to the auction Buy It Now (BIN). Thus, buyers looking for merchandise with two choices, ie Buy It Now through the list of our BIN or participate in the initial price is very low with no reserve auction.
The Perception of scarcity Strategy will create a response most buyers to choose the Buy It Now. Options Buy It Now this also appears if the buyer looking for items of daily needs or buyers who do not like competition. In addition, no reserve auction, the buyer who won only one, while the losing lots and must wait for the same item, then in the end will choose to use the auction or Buy It Now purchase directly.
This clever strategy is never revealed how much inventory we have and we can use various forms of strategies to achieve the objectives of maximizing the price and speed of the product.


The third step in selling products on the internet is to understand the product life cycle stages on the internet. Life cycle on the Internet include product introduction stage, the stage of retail products in the season, the final stage of product life and product liquidation phase. Product introduction phase is also known as the product launch phase. This stage occurs when the product was introduced to the market and the product is very new thing for the customer's mind. At this stage the product in warm conditions or product supply exist or can not meet all the demand. Circumstances like this cycle is known as the state of the product life cycle healthy. Usually the time between 1 year to 3 years. Conversely, if the supply of products is greater than the demand indicates unhealthy conditions or product failure, the time between 6 to 12 months or less. For example, when Apple took the iPod Mini, an MP3 player has been sold out for three months at the introductory stage. In contrast, the electronics company that sells kitchen equipment $ 1,000 for 2 months on the Internet have failed and ended with a discount at this stage of its introduction.
Phase retail products is a step in season, most companies require retailers to provide product prices in accordance with recommended. Digital cameras, cars, books, television and clothing are the latest and greatest products in the retail season. For example, if you bought a digital camera to Best Buy, Circuit City, Electrinic Boutique, Sears and other stores, will find the same prices, except maybe a package price in the context of specific events, but basically the price at any cost the same otulet.
The final stage of product life is usually caused by the introduction of new products in the category of products by companies or competitors. At this stage manufacturers and retailers pulled the old product as soon as possible by replacing the new product is still warm. At this stage the product sold as a cost or a small loss, as customers shifted from older products to newer products. In the old product seller using a high discount rates to attract customers to buy the old product. For example, old products we call P100, the new product that replaces with a new model we call P200. This applies to the automotive, electronics, computers, clothes and so on.
Liquidation phase is the phase of the excess inventory of products, produces waste and product updates. This stage is the stage avoided by producers and retailers, as it suffered heavy losses. Usually sold products 10% to 20% of the cost or a loss of 80% to 90%, so that producers and retailers to remove these products. For example, companies want to sell in large numbers for women's leather jacket for winter and autumn. Companies producing in large quantities and menyetok in large numbers in the thousands of shops and the city. It turned out that the estimate is wrong, because only certain cities are in dire need leather jacket. So the only way to sell only to give a big discount to sell the leather jacket and the resulting loss.


Transaction Intermediary Strategy is a strategy of using the Internet to the purchase process. This strategy includes the end-to-end from the search, comparison, selection and online games. eBay and Microsoft Expedia is a company that uses this strategy. eBay auction is only used on the internet, but now a variety of products sold. Even some added features, such as PayPal, which allows individuals or companies to pay online. Facility that allows Skype voice and video communication for free between the users who use Skype software. as a facility that allows users to compare prices in the shop. is a facility serving the rental apartments in the United States and crossed into another country. Online Clasified designed for people who meet, exchange ideas, do business together at the local level.
To carry out this strategy using a ten-step eBay include:
(1) knowing the critical importance.
(2) set a strategic goal.
(3) understand the product life cycle on the internet.
(4) understand the price curve to the velocity product behavior.
(5) using the strategy of perception of scarcity.
(6) implement the strategy a second chance.
(7) to optimize search results
(8) to build the brand.
(9) explored the channel and,
(10) using a dashboard.
The first step, knowing the critical importance include Gross merchandise sales (GMS), Average sales price (ASP), Conversion rate (CR) and Margin. Gross merchandise sales is the amount of sales GMS in a given time period or commonly known as gross sales or revenues or income. eBay uses GMS to report to Wall Street and most sellers on eBay have adopted the same way consistently. If a seller sells an item with the 1000 average price of $ 50 per month, so GMS seller 1000 x $ 50 = $ 50,000 per month. Some sellers adjust to include GMS bidder who do not pay or non-paying bidders (NPBs) when winning the auction, known as the item was paid or unpaid item (UPI). eBay can not produce items if the winning bidder paid for the auction do not pay the transaction and the seller does not receive income. Average sales price (ASP) is the sales price of the average measured from the average price of a product for sale at a certain time period. Average sales price (ASP) is calculated by dividing the GMS at a certain time. If GMS seller is $ 50,000 in a month and 100 items were sold, the amount of ASP $ 50,000: 100 = $ 500. Conversion rate (CR) is a list of items for a certain period of time (1,5,7 or 10 days). At the end of the period, a percentage of this list will generate a list of buyers and not produce anything. The results of percentage of buyers is called Conversion rate (CR). Margin, or profit or gain is the amount of cash generated at a particular time period has calculated the cost. By measuring and monitoring the trends in four important thing is, we will be able to feel the impact on business and strategic decisions of the business, whether it will produce positive or negative impact.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


(Professor Slow) Quote:
The likes internetan facebooker by HP use opera mini .. and is guaranteed free of charge, your credit will not be exhausted.
Here's how: You live download opera mini applications that have been in modif and ready to use but it only applies to the card and XL indosat ..
Let's try:
Collection OperaMini FOR INDOSAT
Opera Mini download this application, Info: Indosat is very slow and sometimes difficult to connect, therefore please be patient and keep trying.



Collection OperaMini to XL:



XL card, must use APN settings as below:
- APN:
- User: xlspeed
- Pass: xlspeed
- Proxy: 202,152,240,050 port 8080 "

WARNING: In some HP can not free / connect, therefore do not forget to check pulses.

tested work on: N81, N73Me, E61i, M600.

WELCOME TRY .........

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Interactive TV

With the development of digital technology in the direction of encouraging the universal transmission standard television viewers were given many choices, from High Definition Television (HDTV), Multitasking and Interactive Television (Interactive TV). If the High Definition Television (HDTV) highlight a very good picture, showing Multitasking Flexibility, the Interactive Television viewers can serve to make 'record', "pause", and "rewind" the event is in progress, access to the Internet and events in real-time. Computer Information Technology in Interactive Television serves as a means to produce, play, and the Interactive Television market.
The development of interactive television is similar to the development of Information Technology website. You design a special platform by using a protocol previously set. Web Development Protocol consists of HTML, JavaScript, ASP, PHP, SQL Server, and so on. Web Protocol is the main body of the protocol Konsursium published by the World Wide Web and allows you to create Web sites that Information Technology can be accessed by most computer systems information technology.
Interactive Television development cycle depends on the two current standards, the DVB's Technology Information Home Platform (DVB-MHP) and the ATV's Enhancement Forum (ATV-EF). Information Technology Home Platform (DVB-MHP) was developed by Digitan Video Broadcasting for Europe and Enhancement Forum (ATV-EF) was developed by the Advanced Television for the North American region. As shown AOLTV.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

CPU Structure

Explaining about the main components of the CPU and CPU Function
Discuss the structure and function of the internal processor, ALU organization, control unit and registers
Explain the function of the processor in carrying out machine instructions
Central Processing Unit
Is the most important components of computer systems
Data processing components based on the instructions given to him
In realizing the functions and tasks, the CPU consists of several components
3.Komponen CPU
Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
Control Unit
CPU Interconnections
4.Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
Served to form functions - a computer data processing functions.
ALU is often called machine language (machine language) as part of this work instruction - the machine language instructions given to him.
ALU consists of two parts, namely arithmetika units and boolean logic units, respectively - each has its own task specifications.
5.Control Unit
Duty to control the operation and overall CPU computer control so that synchronization occurs between the components work in the function - the function of operations.
Included in the responsibilities of the control unit is to take instructions - instructions from main memory and determine the type of instruction.
6.CPU Interconnections
And bus connection system that connects the internal components and buses - the CPU external bus
Internal components of CPU ALU, control unit and registers - registers.
CPU external components: Other systems, such as main memory, device input / output
CPU internal


9.Fungsi CPU
Running the program - a program stored in main memory by taking instructions - instructions, test instructions and execute them one by one according to the command line.
The simplest view of program execution process is to take a processing instruction that consists of two steps, namely: operation instruction reading (fetch) and the operation instruction execution (execute)
10.Siklus instructions

11.Siklus Fetch - Execute
At each cycle instruction, the CPU will initially read the instructions from memory
There are registers in the CPU and counting functions to further instructions, called the Program Counter (PC)
PC will add one count each time the CPU read instructions.
12.Siklus Fetch - Execute
Instructions - read the instructions stored in instruction register (IR).
Instructions - these instructions in the form of code - the binary code that can be interpreted by the CPU and then performed the necessary action
13.Aksi CPU
CPU - Memory, movement of data from the CPU to memory and vice versa.
CPU-I / O, data transfer from the CPU to the module I / O and vice versa.
Data processing, the CPU form the number of arithmetic and logic operations on data.
Control, an instruction for controlling the function or work. For example changing the order of instruction execution.
14.Siklus Execution
Addess Instruction Calculation (IAC), which calculate or determine the next instruction address to be executed. Usually involves the addition of fixed numbers to address the previous instructions. For example, if the length of each 16-bit instruction has a long memory when 8 bits, then add 2 to the previous address.
Instruction Fetch (IF), the decision to read or instructions from a memory location to the CPU.
15.Siklus Execution
Operation Instruction Decoding (IOD), which analyzes the instruction to determine the type of operation that will be formed and Operands that will be used.
Operands Address Calculation (OAc), which determines Operands address, this is done if the reference involves Operands in memory.
Operands Fetch (OF), is taking Operands from memory or from the module I / O.
16.Siklus Execution
Data Operations (DO), which form as instructed in the operating instructions.
Operands store (OS), which stores the execution result into memory
Instruction cycle

Changing Numbers Value In the Registry Editor

Rename The Rise Recyle Bin

Double click on the Attributes> Edit Binary Value. In the Value data, change the number to be 0000 50 01 00 20

Disabling Autorun function

Double-click NoDriveTypeAutoRun, and insert number 95 in the data value.

Accelerating Process Shutdown Windows XP

WaitToKillServiceTimeOut double click and change the value to be lower than 2000

Automatically turn off the Program Not Responding

HKEY_USER/.DEFAULT/Control Panel/Desktop
AutoEndTask double click and enter the number 1 in the Value Data.

Disabling Task Manager

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/ Windows/CurentVersion/Policies/ System
create a new DWORD Value and name it DisableTaskMgr
double-click DisableTaskMgr and enter the number 1 in the Value Data.

Speeding Star Menu Delay

MenuShowDelay double click and change the value to less than 400.

Strengthening the TCP/IP Stack To Prevent Denial Of Service Attacks

Create a new DWORD Value if it is not there and give the name and valuenya respectively as follows:
EnableDeadGWDetect = 0
EnableICMPRedirect = 0
EnablePMTUDiscovery = 0
KeepAliveTime = 300,000
NoNameReleaseOnDemand = 1
PerformRouterDiscovery = 0
SynAttackProtect = 2

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tweaking Mozilla Firefox

Open Applications Mozilla Firefox
In the address box, type about: config
press enter.
Appears all Mozilla Firefox preference list
Find the preference - preference that I mentioned below .. and then change its value

The way right click on the preference you want to change its value, then select modify.
Preference - the preference value is replaced as follows:
Example :

network.http.max-connections: 48
network.http.max-connections-per-server: 16
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy: 16
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server: 8
network.http.pipelining: true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequest: 20
network.http.proxy.pipelining: true

then make their own preference.
still in about: config
Right-click disembarang place, select new> string.
create a string with the name: nglayout.initialpaint.delay
fill its values: 0 (zero).
Example :

Tweaking Windows XP

1.) Here is a registry file that contains some registry modifications, which is perfectly safe and can improve the performance of Windows. Attached just download a ZIP file, extract and then run the file:
Tweak Windows XP
Restore Default Settings (Use this file if you want to restore the default settings for Windows)
2.) Right-click on Desktop and select Properties, Now in a new window goto Appearance tab and click the Effects button. Now in the new opened window uncheck the following options:
a.) Use the following transition effect for menus & tooltips.
b.) Show shadows under menus.
3.) Right-click on My Computer icon on the desktop and select Properties (or press the key + ), now goto Advanced tab in a new window and click on the Settings button in Performance section.
Now disable all unnecessary options in Visual Effects tab, you can still enable the following options to suit your needs:
a.) Show window contents while dragging.
b.) Smooth edge of screen fonts.
c.) Use common tasks in folders (If you use the panel on the left side of my computer)
d.) Use drop shadows on icon labels on the desktop. (to make the desktop icons label transparent.)
e.) Use visual styles on windows and buttons. (If you're using XP themes.)
4.) Go to Tools -> Folder Options and click on the View tab:
Now uncheck the following options:
a.) automatically search for network folders & printers.
b.) Display file size information in folder tips.
c.) Display simple folder view in Explorer Folders list.
d.) Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color.
e.) Show pop-up description for folder and desktop icons.
f.) Use simple file sharing.
Other options do not affect system performance. You can enable / disable them according to your needs.
5.) Right-click on My Computer icon on the Desktop and select Manage (You can also open it by typing services.msc in RUN and press Enter). Now goto Services & Applications -> Services. Here you can set up some services that are not needed for the manual, which will not start with windows and will reduce the boot time and will improve system performance. Follow the tutorial below to find out about services that can be safely set to MANUAL:
Windows XP services that can be set to Manual Safe
6.) Type msconfig in RUN and press Enter. Now goto Startup tab and deselect the unnecessary entries, which you do not want to start automatically with Windows, for example, you can disable VGA driver utility, Sound Card utility, etc to speed up the startup time and to improve system performance.
7.) Open Sound & Audio Devices in Control Panel (or type in mmsys.cpl RUN), goto Sounds tab and select No Sounds in Sound Scheme section. Or you can keep some of your favorite sounds but set Exit Windows, Start Windows, Windows Logoff, Windows Logon to (None).
8.) For more options / tips-n-tricks, you can use Tweak UI, TuneUp Utilities 2006 and gpedit.msc (Windows XP Professional built-in tools).

Introduction Computer

Basically the computer is a calculator tool. The first is a human computer. Human and the computer created to facilitate human work, that is where the main function of a computer creation. Generation computer technology ranging from computers to use the technology of mechanical microprossesor main function is to facilitate the work of man. eg abacus, abacus is the first tool used calculation, helps the human memory in doing calculations. So is the machine that made Blaise Pascal in 1642 at the age of 19 first. Punch Card In 1801 by Joseph Marie Jacquard, Eniac, until the current generation of computers that use tekhniologi microprossesor, all serve to facilitate the work of man.
2.Komponen Computers
Computer components are generally divided into three parts namely hardware, software, and brainware. Computer hardware is the physical components of the computer. Hardware is an important part of where the hardware is the main specifications of the computer, a computer security, and as the main maintenance of a computer. Although the above items can be accessed via software hardware that still plays it. No less important is brainware components, the brain of the computer brain that determine a computer. Brainware itself is nothing but a human mengoprasikan hardware and software, optimizing the performance of hardware and software. Software is a tool that menegahi between poranti hardware with software tools.
3.Hardware Computers
Hardware on a computer system is divided into 3 main sections, namely:
Input Unit
Processing Unit
Output Unit
a.Input Unit
Is part of the computer hardware that serves as a tool to enter data, etc. into the computer. This unit of input devices include:
Media Storage (such as HDD, FDD, CD, DVD etc).
including Touch Screen Monitor, light pen, etc..
b.Processing Unit
Processing unit is also called the CPU (Central Processing Unit) which is the heart of the computer. The main work as a process, computation, logic, control, setting the performance relationships between components, and to allocate temporary storage or permanent. The main device and a processor which is normally Chipshet the Mainboard.
In general, the CPU has 3 main components again, namely:
Aritmatic & Logical Unit (ALU): The main task of the ALU perform arithmetic calculations and the nature of the operation to the decision logic and bit manipulation, in accordance with the instructions of the program.
Control Unit: It functions as regulator and controller of all existing equipment in the computer system and tool set when receive data input and output devices when the monitor displays (Instruction Cycle).
Main Memory (Main Storage): Main memory is a place or medium used to store data that will or are being processed by a computer system.
Main memory is divided into two parts, namely:
1) ROM (Read Only Memory): ROM is permanent memory embedded on a computer system that was developed and manufactured by the factory and usually not to be changed by the computer user. ROM consists of the main program for a computer system configurations, such as BIOS, BASIC and the bootstrap loader. Signal in this ROM that govern all the tasks the CPU (Central Processing Unit) when the computer started activated / turned on.
2) RAM (Random Access Memory): All the data entered through input devices on each application will be incorporated first into the RAM. The data contained in RAM is only temporary, if the computer is turned off then the data will be lost.
c.Output Unit
Hardware is functioning to present the results of the output of a process that was working on the computer. The shape of this output devices include: monitors, printers, projectors, speakers, etc..
4.PC Components
1) Cassing and Power Supply
a. Cassing is the place of the components - components that will be a raft. Casing consists of a variety - different forms including:
(a) Cassing Desktop
(b) Cassing Tower
(c) Cassing Slim
5.Power Supplay a source of energy for a computer that serves to change the AC into DC current. Type supplay power supply for the PC market for assembled computers is 2:
a) AT
separate power a.Kabel mainboard with a pin 8 and pin 9
b.Cara was manually shut down the computer through the keypad / Switch
b) ATX
a.Kabel mainboard is not a separate power
b.Untuk can shut down your computer through the operating system for power on / off was controlled by the mainboard
2) Mainboard
The motherboard is a board where the computer components are embedded and can be interconnected. Mainboard types are numerous, but the quality of this motherboard is determined by the chipset embedded in it like: Gigabyte, Intel, SIS, NVIDIA nForce, VIA and others.
Some other things that need to be considered to identify mainboard and components contained therein (on-board):
Power Connector
Slot / Socket Processor
Memory Slot
Bateray CMOS
BIOS (Basic Input Output System)
CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
FSB: It is the bus speed of the system on the mainboard.
3) Processor
Processor is the brain or engine of a PC, sometimes also called the microprocessor or central processing unit (CPU), which perform calculations (ALU functions) and processing systems.
There are 2 class processor released in today's consumers, namely:
1.Kelas Mainstream / Power / Performance / High-End Processor is represented by the Pentium processor family (II, III, & 4) from Intel and family Athlon (Thunderbird, XP, Sempron) from AMD.
2.Kelas Value / Low-End Processor represented by the Intel Celeron, AMD Duron, VIA Cyrix and Transmeta.
Which makes the class difference is the speed, features and number of cache memorynya.
L1 cache is a small amount of SRAM memory used as cache integrated into the same module on the processor. Function to store temporary instructions and data and ensure data processor has a stable suplay to be processed, while the memory capture and store new data.
L2 Cache SRAM chip consists of located near the processor, but for the latest generation of processors L2 cache onchip (already merged with the processor). L2 cache has the same function with L1 cache and is known as secondary cache speed is lower than the L1 cache (but larger capacity).
4) Memory
Some types of memory: EDO RAM
SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamicc RAM)
DDR SDRAM (Double Date Rate SDRAM)
RAMBUS memory is a type specific to Intel P4.
SO DIMM is usually found on a laptop computer.
5) VGA Card
Is the liaison between the CPU with Monitor.
6) Hard disk (HDD)
Disk is a type of fixed disk, usually made of metal or disc-shaped plate. A hard drive usually consists of more than one disc or plate is coated with iron oxide. This plate is called a platter, each platter consisting of 2 sides. Because the structure consisting of several disks the disk has a large storage capacity. Furthermore disk speed is also very high with a round of 3600, 4500, 5400, 6300, 7200, 10000, 12000 rpm, so the data acces very quickly.