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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tweaking Mozilla Firefox

Open Applications Mozilla Firefox
In the address box, type about: config
press enter.
Appears all Mozilla Firefox preference list
Find the preference - preference that I mentioned below .. and then change its value

The way right click on the preference you want to change its value, then select modify.
Preference - the preference value is replaced as follows:
Example :

network.http.max-connections: 48
network.http.max-connections-per-server: 16
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy: 16
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server: 8
network.http.pipelining: true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequest: 20
network.http.proxy.pipelining: true

then make their own preference.
still in about: config
Right-click disembarang place, select new> string.
create a string with the name: nglayout.initialpaint.delay
fill its values: 0 (zero).
Example :

Tweaking Windows XP

1.) Here is a registry file that contains some registry modifications, which is perfectly safe and can improve the performance of Windows. Attached just download a ZIP file, extract and then run the file:
Tweak Windows XP
Restore Default Settings (Use this file if you want to restore the default settings for Windows)
2.) Right-click on Desktop and select Properties, Now in a new window goto Appearance tab and click the Effects button. Now in the new opened window uncheck the following options:
a.) Use the following transition effect for menus & tooltips.
b.) Show shadows under menus.
3.) Right-click on My Computer icon on the desktop and select Properties (or press the key + ), now goto Advanced tab in a new window and click on the Settings button in Performance section.
Now disable all unnecessary options in Visual Effects tab, you can still enable the following options to suit your needs:
a.) Show window contents while dragging.
b.) Smooth edge of screen fonts.
c.) Use common tasks in folders (If you use the panel on the left side of my computer)
d.) Use drop shadows on icon labels on the desktop. (to make the desktop icons label transparent.)
e.) Use visual styles on windows and buttons. (If you're using XP themes.)
4.) Go to Tools -> Folder Options and click on the View tab:
Now uncheck the following options:
a.) automatically search for network folders & printers.
b.) Display file size information in folder tips.
c.) Display simple folder view in Explorer Folders list.
d.) Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color.
e.) Show pop-up description for folder and desktop icons.
f.) Use simple file sharing.
Other options do not affect system performance. You can enable / disable them according to your needs.
5.) Right-click on My Computer icon on the Desktop and select Manage (You can also open it by typing services.msc in RUN and press Enter). Now goto Services & Applications -> Services. Here you can set up some services that are not needed for the manual, which will not start with windows and will reduce the boot time and will improve system performance. Follow the tutorial below to find out about services that can be safely set to MANUAL:
Windows XP services that can be set to Manual Safe
6.) Type msconfig in RUN and press Enter. Now goto Startup tab and deselect the unnecessary entries, which you do not want to start automatically with Windows, for example, you can disable VGA driver utility, Sound Card utility, etc to speed up the startup time and to improve system performance.
7.) Open Sound & Audio Devices in Control Panel (or type in mmsys.cpl RUN), goto Sounds tab and select No Sounds in Sound Scheme section. Or you can keep some of your favorite sounds but set Exit Windows, Start Windows, Windows Logoff, Windows Logon to (None).
8.) For more options / tips-n-tricks, you can use Tweak UI, TuneUp Utilities 2006 and gpedit.msc (Windows XP Professional built-in tools).

Introduction Computer

Basically the computer is a calculator tool. The first is a human computer. Human and the computer created to facilitate human work, that is where the main function of a computer creation. Generation computer technology ranging from computers to use the technology of mechanical microprossesor main function is to facilitate the work of man. eg abacus, abacus is the first tool used calculation, helps the human memory in doing calculations. So is the machine that made Blaise Pascal in 1642 at the age of 19 first. Punch Card In 1801 by Joseph Marie Jacquard, Eniac, until the current generation of computers that use tekhniologi microprossesor, all serve to facilitate the work of man.
2.Komponen Computers
Computer components are generally divided into three parts namely hardware, software, and brainware. Computer hardware is the physical components of the computer. Hardware is an important part of where the hardware is the main specifications of the computer, a computer security, and as the main maintenance of a computer. Although the above items can be accessed via software hardware that still plays it. No less important is brainware components, the brain of the computer brain that determine a computer. Brainware itself is nothing but a human mengoprasikan hardware and software, optimizing the performance of hardware and software. Software is a tool that menegahi between poranti hardware with software tools.
3.Hardware Computers
Hardware on a computer system is divided into 3 main sections, namely:
Input Unit
Processing Unit
Output Unit
a.Input Unit
Is part of the computer hardware that serves as a tool to enter data, etc. into the computer. This unit of input devices include:
Media Storage (such as HDD, FDD, CD, DVD etc).
including Touch Screen Monitor, light pen, etc..
b.Processing Unit
Processing unit is also called the CPU (Central Processing Unit) which is the heart of the computer. The main work as a process, computation, logic, control, setting the performance relationships between components, and to allocate temporary storage or permanent. The main device and a processor which is normally Chipshet the Mainboard.
In general, the CPU has 3 main components again, namely:
Aritmatic & Logical Unit (ALU): The main task of the ALU perform arithmetic calculations and the nature of the operation to the decision logic and bit manipulation, in accordance with the instructions of the program.
Control Unit: It functions as regulator and controller of all existing equipment in the computer system and tool set when receive data input and output devices when the monitor displays (Instruction Cycle).
Main Memory (Main Storage): Main memory is a place or medium used to store data that will or are being processed by a computer system.
Main memory is divided into two parts, namely:
1) ROM (Read Only Memory): ROM is permanent memory embedded on a computer system that was developed and manufactured by the factory and usually not to be changed by the computer user. ROM consists of the main program for a computer system configurations, such as BIOS, BASIC and the bootstrap loader. Signal in this ROM that govern all the tasks the CPU (Central Processing Unit) when the computer started activated / turned on.
2) RAM (Random Access Memory): All the data entered through input devices on each application will be incorporated first into the RAM. The data contained in RAM is only temporary, if the computer is turned off then the data will be lost.
c.Output Unit
Hardware is functioning to present the results of the output of a process that was working on the computer. The shape of this output devices include: monitors, printers, projectors, speakers, etc..
4.PC Components
1) Cassing and Power Supply
a. Cassing is the place of the components - components that will be a raft. Casing consists of a variety - different forms including:
(a) Cassing Desktop
(b) Cassing Tower
(c) Cassing Slim
5.Power Supplay a source of energy for a computer that serves to change the AC into DC current. Type supplay power supply for the PC market for assembled computers is 2:
a) AT
separate power a.Kabel mainboard with a pin 8 and pin 9
b.Cara was manually shut down the computer through the keypad / Switch
b) ATX
a.Kabel mainboard is not a separate power
b.Untuk can shut down your computer through the operating system for power on / off was controlled by the mainboard
2) Mainboard
The motherboard is a board where the computer components are embedded and can be interconnected. Mainboard types are numerous, but the quality of this motherboard is determined by the chipset embedded in it like: Gigabyte, Intel, SIS, NVIDIA nForce, VIA and others.
Some other things that need to be considered to identify mainboard and components contained therein (on-board):
Power Connector
Slot / Socket Processor
Memory Slot
Bateray CMOS
BIOS (Basic Input Output System)
CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
FSB: It is the bus speed of the system on the mainboard.
3) Processor
Processor is the brain or engine of a PC, sometimes also called the microprocessor or central processing unit (CPU), which perform calculations (ALU functions) and processing systems.
There are 2 class processor released in today's consumers, namely:
1.Kelas Mainstream / Power / Performance / High-End Processor is represented by the Pentium processor family (II, III, & 4) from Intel and family Athlon (Thunderbird, XP, Sempron) from AMD.
2.Kelas Value / Low-End Processor represented by the Intel Celeron, AMD Duron, VIA Cyrix and Transmeta.
Which makes the class difference is the speed, features and number of cache memorynya.
L1 cache is a small amount of SRAM memory used as cache integrated into the same module on the processor. Function to store temporary instructions and data and ensure data processor has a stable suplay to be processed, while the memory capture and store new data.
L2 Cache SRAM chip consists of located near the processor, but for the latest generation of processors L2 cache onchip (already merged with the processor). L2 cache has the same function with L1 cache and is known as secondary cache speed is lower than the L1 cache (but larger capacity).
4) Memory
Some types of memory: EDO RAM
SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamicc RAM)
DDR SDRAM (Double Date Rate SDRAM)
RAMBUS memory is a type specific to Intel P4.
SO DIMM is usually found on a laptop computer.
5) VGA Card
Is the liaison between the CPU with Monitor.
6) Hard disk (HDD)
Disk is a type of fixed disk, usually made of metal or disc-shaped plate. A hard drive usually consists of more than one disc or plate is coated with iron oxide. This plate is called a platter, each platter consisting of 2 sides. Because the structure consisting of several disks the disk has a large storage capacity. Furthermore disk speed is also very high with a round of 3600, 4500, 5400, 6300, 7200, 10000, 12000 rpm, so the data acces very quickly.