Pages - Menu

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Changing Numbers Value In the Registry Editor

Rename The Rise Recyle Bin

Double click on the Attributes> Edit Binary Value. In the Value data, change the number to be 0000 50 01 00 20

Disabling Autorun function

Double-click NoDriveTypeAutoRun, and insert number 95 in the data value.

Accelerating Process Shutdown Windows XP

WaitToKillServiceTimeOut double click and change the value to be lower than 2000

Automatically turn off the Program Not Responding

HKEY_USER/.DEFAULT/Control Panel/Desktop
AutoEndTask double click and enter the number 1 in the Value Data.

Disabling Task Manager

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/ Windows/CurentVersion/Policies/ System
create a new DWORD Value and name it DisableTaskMgr
double-click DisableTaskMgr and enter the number 1 in the Value Data.

Speeding Star Menu Delay

MenuShowDelay double click and change the value to less than 400.

Strengthening the TCP/IP Stack To Prevent Denial Of Service Attacks

Create a new DWORD Value if it is not there and give the name and valuenya respectively as follows:
EnableDeadGWDetect = 0
EnableICMPRedirect = 0
EnablePMTUDiscovery = 0
KeepAliveTime = 300,000
NoNameReleaseOnDemand = 1
PerformRouterDiscovery = 0
SynAttackProtect = 2

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